
Package contents

Public test packages

The following packages are available on npm for testing purposes.

  • @pqina/pintura
  • @pqina/react-pintura
  • @pqina/vue-pintura
  • @pqina/svelte-pintura
  • @pqina/angular-pintura
  • @pqina/filepond-plugin-image-editor

You can install the @pqina/pintura package like shown below.

npm install @pqina/pintura

The test version @pqina/pintura will render a watermark on top of the editor and generated images. It is available for testing purposes only.

The private and downloadable package will not overlay a watermark.

Private npm packages

The PQINA private npm hosts the following packages.

  • @pqina/pintura
  • @pqina/pintura-video

Example projects are available on GitHub

Locale files are available in the package, but can also be imported from @pqina/pintura/locale/<locale_code>

Installing private npm packages

  1. Create a new file in your project root folder and name it .npmrc
  2. Copy the contents below to the file
  3. Replace $PQINA_NPM_TOKEN with your private pqina npm token as shown on the customer portal under your license details.

Pqina scoped packages are now automatically installed from the PQINA repository.

Sometimes the package manager will stick to the test version, in that situation you can try the following before re-installing:

  • Run npm uninstall @pqina/pintura.
  • Remove the node_modules folder and package_lock.json file.
  • Reinstall @pqina/pintura

Downloadable Pintura package

The downloadable product package contains the following folders and files.

The package folder contains the Pintura JavaScript Module, IIFE, and UMD builds as well as the stylesheet and the TypeScript declaration file.

The package folder also contains the locale folder that has all exposes all the different language packs. Note that if your locale isn't available in the default pack you can duplicate and edit the files to support different locales.

  • README.md
  • package
    • pintura.css
    • pintura.module.css
    • pintura.js
    • pintura.d.ts
    • pintura-iife.js
    • pintura-umd.js
    • locale
      • en_GB
      • de_DE
      • es_ES
      • fr_FR
      • pt_PT
      • hi_IN
      • ko_KR
      • it_IT
      • nb_NO
      • nl_NL
      • sv_SE
      • ja_JP
      • zh_CN
      • ru_RU

Example projects and components on GitHub




